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Hubman and Chubgirl

Tracker tutorial - Cozy bakery theme

Mood Tracker

January 14th, 2022

There are so many different things you can track in your journal and many more ways to track it. You can track your sleep, exercise, water intake, homework, meetings or anything that helps your organize your life better.

I chose to track my moods for this month and dedicate a whole spread for it.

What I used

I used everything from our Cozy bakery box set to make this simple mood tracker. Here is the list of all the stationery I used:

  • Light pink brush pen (I used a Tombow dual brush pen, 761)
  • Light brown brush pen (Tombow)
  • 0.38mm Black Gel pen (Muji)
  • 0.50mm Black Gel pen (Pigma Micron 08)

We have added a link to the Cozy Bakery box set below, and you can explore our journal subscription to get new themes mailed to you every month (only $10 for the first month!).

To make the mood tracker spread I chose to embelish it with awnings as it looks like a small bakery shop and suits this month's theme Cozy bakery.


I began by sketching out the spread and used 5x5 grids based on the dot grid page. Since the only other thing I needed on the page was a key note for the tracker - I made the layout wider to make use of all the blank space. Once the layout was done I went over all the lines with a black pen and pink lines to colour in the awning.


To write the title I like to use my brush lettering style as I am most comfortable with that but it isn’t necessary. You can go with any handwriting you choose or even use stencils if you like.


Next, to fill up the mood tracker - I got the idea of using bread because of the ‘more bread sticker sheet’ and I love love love bread!! So I drew different types of bread for each box but you can also keep it simple with one type throughout.


Finally, I selected 4 basic moods that I wanted to track (happy, sad, meh, ok) and made a face for each type. I went with shades of brown for the bread because I wanted to use actual colours. You can always go with any colour you choose - I’ve even seen real life rainbow coloured bread so you can never go wrong with any colour haha!


To put my mood tracker to actual use I like to get to it just before bed. I think about how my day was and put in a smiley face if it was majorly happy. On sad days I hope for a better tomorrow and plan the next day out on my weekly spreads before I go to sleep.


We will be posting Under the sea tutorial here soon, follow us on Instagram for updates. Thanks everyone and I hope you find these helpful!


For more cozy bakery spreads click on the link below :)

Want to make Cozy Bakery spreads? Tap below to shop!