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Lemonade Party Weekly spread

Here is a weekly spread tutorial with our Lemonade Party theme - Read on to find out how easy it is to set up a journal page with our stickers!


These materials were what I used for reference, but you may use any supplies you have on hand :)

Let’s set up a  bright and colourful weekly spread with our lemonade stickers!

To start off, let’s decide on a layout. I’m going for a simple weekly spread with just the days of the week. If you would like to add any to-do lists, notes, or trackers, feel free to do so! I’m dividing the spread with 3 days on the left and 4 on the right. You can split them however you like depending on the number of extra’s you have.

Once you are happy with your layout, let's write down the monthly title. I'm using the journaling set for this.

Next let’s place a tab from the colour palette sheet for each day / list.

Then lets place a stamp sticker overlapping the tabs. You can also switch these out for any other sticker you like! 

Now we need to label each section. If you have any lists, feel free to write it out or you can also use any stickers that match the section from our trackers or work collection. For the days and dates, we can use the journaling set as always!

To add a little contrast let’s use some Washi tape to line the bottom of the page. You can ignore this step if you ran out of space as this is only a filler.

Next, I’m outlining the stamp stickers with a black pen on the bottom and right side as a shadow and to make it stand out. 

Finally to separate each of the days and different sections, let’s use a brush pen to highlight alternate lines of the section like below.

To finish up let’s use stickers to fill up any empty spots and we’re all done!

Can't wait to see what you guys come up with!

We have added a link to the Lemonade Party Collection to get everything you need to make this spread. Subscribe to our monthly Journal subscription to get cute stickers like these mailed to you every month and feel free to come back here for inspiration or tutorials for your spreads! Happy journalling!

Bonus! - Use code JOURNAL and get your subscription at 10$ for your first month plus you get a free starter journal to kick off with!

We will be posting more tutorials here soon, so follow us on Instagram for updates. Thanks everyone and I hope you find these helpful!

For more inspiration on these spreads and more, click on the link below :)

Here's everything you need to make this spread and much more!

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