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Gaming weekly spread

Here is a weekly spread tutorial with our Gaming theme - Read on to find out how easy it is to set up a journal page with our stickers!


  • Gaming Collection
  • Green brush pen (Tombow dual brush pen)
  • Blue brush pen (Tombow dual brush pen)
  • Purple pen (Tombow dual brush pen)
  • Sharpie marker
  • Thin ballpoint pen
  • Pentel brush pen

These materials were what I used for reference, but you may use any supplies you have on hand :)

Gaming is a unique theme for journaling, but there are so many fun ideas to explore with it! For my weekly spread I wanted to feature my favourite gaming console - the Nintendo switch, so let’s get right to it and set up our journal together!

As always, let’s start off by figuring out what sections we need for the spread. This time I skipped my usual to do list and mood trackers to focus on the days. This week has 6 days, so I’m planning the spread with that in mind. 

Once we have decided on all the sections we need, let’s work on a layout and ways to make the spread creative. I’m drawing 6 boxes for each of the days, but to make it more fun, I’m turning them into mini Nintendo switches for each of the days. You can also draw a gameboy, a phone screen, a game window, a computer screen, etc. The options are endless! 

Let’s begin the spread with the most important section or the main focus of the spread - like the days of the week or anything you want to draw. I’m using these rectangular stickers from the variety pack to look like the screen of the Nintendo switch and then drawing controllers on the side. I want these to be the main focus of the spread, so I’m drawing these first on opposite corners. You can also skip this step and add stickers in the end to decorate the page.

Next let’s set up the days of the week. I’m drawing 6 boxes and adding controllers on each. I’m drawing some of them tilted and in different sizes to make it more dynamic. If you want to keep it simple you can draw boxes and decorate them with stickers instead!

Next, I'm adding all the buttons for the controllers.

Once you've drawn all your sections, let's write down the monthly title. I'm going to write it out with a brush pen on the left.

Then I’m adding the days and dates. You can also use the journaling pack for this. 

To add a pop of colour I’m using some brush pens to outline the Switches and colouring in the controllers of the ones in the corners. Feel free to use any colours and have fun!

Finally let’s add stickers to fill any gaps. I’m adding just one in the middle.

That’s it for the spread! I hope you guys find this helpful!

We have added a link to the Gaming Collection to get everything you need to make this spread. Subscribe to our monthly Journal subscription to get cute stickers like these mailed to you every month and feel free to come back here for inspiration or tutorials for your spreads! Happy journalling!

Bonus! - Use code JOURNAL and get your subscription at 10$ for your first month plus you get a free starter journal to kick off with!

We will be posting more tutorials here soon, so follow us on Instagram for updates. Thanks everyone and I hope you find these helpful!

For more inspiration on these spreads and more, click on the link below :)

Here's everything you need to make this spread and much more!

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