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Gaming Monthly Spread

Here is a monthly spread tutorial with our Gaming theme - Read on to find out how easy it is to set up a journal page with our stickers!


  • Gaming Collection
  • Purple brush pen (Tombow dual brush pen)
  • Blue brush pen (Tombow dual brush pen)
  • Grey brush pen (Tombow dual brush pen)
  • Green brush pen (Tombow dual brush pen)
  • Staedtler HB pencil
  • Pentel Brush pen
  • Black marker

These materials were what I used for reference, but you may use any supplies you have on hand :)

I had a lot of fun coming up with a gaming themed monthly spread! So let’s set it up together!

We’re going to draw a simple version of the Nintendo switch and add a calendar where the screen is supposed to be. You can also draw a computer screen, a gameboy or anything else you like!

Let’s start off by marking a 4 x 4 grid for each of the days. Add an extra column on the left and right so we can turn these into the controllers. I’m placing the whole thing towards the left of the page so I can add a to-do list on the other side. Feel free to experiment with different layouts and consoles to make the spread unique!

Next let’s go over everything with a black marker and add some buttons on the controller.

Using a thinner black pen let’s draw some lines inside the grid to separate the days.

Next I’m drawing a gameboy for the to-do list and placing it tilted to make the page a little more fun. You can skip this step or change it up to add different sections that you need!

Using a marker let’s add the controls and a screen for the gameboy. 

To brighten the page, let’s colour in the consoles! I’m using blue and purple for the Nintendo switch and leaving the gameboy as is. You can colour it with anything you like, add a pattern or draw your favourite gaming characters!

Next let’s fill in the calendar. I’m using a green brush pen to highlight the days before writing it down with a black pen. You can also use the journaling pack to fill it out!

To give the page a little sparkle, I’m using the dates stickers from the planner kit. 

The gameboy to-do list still looks a little empty so let’s highlight alternate lines with any colour of your choice, I’m using light grey here.

Let’s set down the title using the journaling kit or you can write it out if you like!

Finally lets finish up the spread by adding stickers wherever there are empty spots and we’re all done!

Here's what the spread looks like!

We have added a link to the Gaming Collection to get everything you need to make this spread. Subscribe to our monthly Journal subscription to get cute stickers like these mailed to you every month and feel free to come back here for inspiration or tutorials for your spreads! Happy journalling!

Bonus! - Use code JOURNAL and get your subscription at 10$ for your first month plus you get a free starter journal to kick off with!

We will be posting more tutorials here soon, so follow us on Instagram for updates. Thanks everyone and I hope you find these helpful!

For more inspiration on these spreads and more, click on the link below :)

Here's everything you need to make this spread and much more!

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