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Picnic day Monthly Spread

Here is a monthly spread tutorial with our Picnic Day theme - Read on to find out how easy it is to set up a journal page with our stickers!


  • Picnic day Collection
  • Picnic day Tombow brush pens
  • MONO Drawing pens
  • HB Pencil

These materials were what I used for reference, but you may use any supplies you have on hand :)

It's finally warm enough to have a picnic and enjoy the sunshine! …If you can ignore when it rains every other day in Toronto haha, but I choose to be optimistic as summer is just around the corner!

I’m excited to set up our spread with a gingham pattern that undoubtedly states picnic vibes!

Start off by marking out all the elements on the spread with a pencil. I’m marking out my monthly grid with 5x5 boxes and a to-do list on the side before going over everything with a pen. 

To add some extra detail, I made the to-do list in the shape of a cutting board and added a border on the bottom and right side to make it stand out. Feel free to get creative in any way you like!

Next, draw the horizontal and vertical lines to separate the days and complete the grid.

It's time for the gingham pattern! Let's use a lavender brush pen to draw alternating horizontal and vertical lines avoiding all the elements on the page to make it look like they are set on a blanket. 

Voila! It already feels like a lazy summer afternoon!

Don't forget to colour in the border of the grid and to-do list. I’ve coloured it brown to give the cutting board some perspective, but you can also fill it out as a shadow or highlight!

You can use the journaling set to fill out the dates, days and month or write them out

Next, I’m using the picnic colour palette sticker sheet and the to-do planner sticker for the title. Feel free to set up your title any way you like!

Since the to-do section looks empty let's brighten it up with some yellow lines. You can also use different colours for each line.

Woohoo! It's time to add stickers wherever you like!  

And the spread is all done!

We have added a link to the Picnic Day Collection to get everything you need to make this spread. Subscribe to our monthly Journal subscription to get cute stickers like these mailed to you every month and feel free to come back here for inspiration or tutorials for your spreads! Happy journalling!

Bonus! - Use code JOURNAL and get your subscription at 10$ for your first month plus you get a free starter journal to kick off with!

We will be posting more tutorials here soon, so follow us on Instagram for updates. Thanks everyone and I hope you find these helpful!

For more inspiration on these spreads and more, click on the link below :)

Here's everything you need to make this spread and much more!

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