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Hungry Pandas Monthly Spread

Here is a monthly spread tutorial with our Hungry Pandas theme - Read on to find out how easy it is to set up a journal page with our stickers!


  • Hungry Pandas Collection
  • Light green brush pen (Tombow dual brush pen)
  • Dark green brush pen (Tombow dual brush pen)
  • Light brown brush pen (Tombow dual brush pen)
  • pencil
  • 0.3 mm MUJI gel pen black

These materials were what I used for reference, but you may use any supplies you have on hand :)

Do you love pandas? Here’s how you can add your favourite fur balls into a monthly spread!

The first step is to sketch out a basic calendar grid of six rows and seven columns leaving some space at the top for the monthly title. These will serve as the boxes for each day of the month. You can choose to make each box as big or small as you like, depending on your needs.

Using the dot grid as a measure, I’ve drawn 4 x 4 boxes with a gap in between. I’m placing it a little to the left to make space for a notes section on the right.

It’s time to fill out the spread with stickers! I’m using the journaling set for the days, dates and month. Feel free to write it out if you prefer!

Next for the notes section on the right I’m using some stickers from our variety sticker pack. Alternatively, you can draw a border and add a header for each section that you need similar to the ‘I’m looking forward to’ section here!

There is lots of space at the bottom of the calendar, so let's add some trackers here using our monthly habit tracker in the Hungry pandas colour palette.

This step is optional, but if you feel like adding something extra to your spread you can draw some bamboo in the empty space on the left. 

Using a pencil, draw a few stones at the bottom. Next draw a few lines stretching from the stones to the top of the page. Make them different heights and slightly curved to make it look more natural. You can also draw a few hiding behind the monthly grid!

Next, draw a line parallel to the first set of lines for the stems of the bamboo. 

Once you’re happy with the pencil sketch, let’s add some colours! I’m using brush pens here, but feel free to use any medium you prefer!

Start off with a single layer of the lightest shade of green for the stems and brown or grey for the stones. 

At this point let’s use a thin black pen to draw the outlines for the bamboo so it’s easier to add shadows and highlights. 

Add horizontal lines roughly one inch apart on the bamboo stems to create sections. 

Next let’s use the same brush pen to add a second coat of colour making it darker and appear like a shadow. 

Add shadows on the right side of the stems and wherever they overlap to give it that 3D effect. 

For some extra detail, let’s use a slightly darker shade of green to go over the edges of the shadows and deepen it. 

As a final touch let’s add small leaves and fill it in with a light green colour.

And the bamboo is all done! Don’t forget to erase the pencil marks like I did!

If you want to skip this step, you can fill up the space with washi tapes or stickers too!

Let’s add a shadow to the trackers with a black outline to make it stand out a little more.

Finally let’s finish up the spread by adding stickers to fill up empty spots.

And we’re all done! Hope you guys find the tutorial useful!

We have added a link to the Hungry Pandas Collection to get everything you need to make this spread. Subscribe to our monthly Journal subscription to get cute stickers like these mailed to you every month and feel free to come back here for inspiration or tutorials for your spreads! Happy journalling!

Bonus! - Use code JOURNAL and get your subscription at 10$ for your first month plus you get a free starter journal to kick off with!

We will be posting more tutorials here soon, so follow us on Instagram for updates. Thanks everyone and I hope you find these helpful!

For more inspiration on these spreads and more, click on the link below :)


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